Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

About the University

Johannes Gutenberg-University (JGU) Mainz, founded in 1477, is one of the top research universities in Germany of national and international recognition. Creative minds shape the culture of knowledge at JGU, with more than 35,000 staff and students from over 120 nations take on the challenges of the sciences and the arts, of research, learning, and teaching every single day. As an international center for research and teaching, JGU has a special commitment to crossing the boundaries between nations and cultures. This commitment is established in its mission statement and its strategic concept, and is also reflected in its strong international relationships. The university is founding partner of the groundbreaking Executive Master in Global Sports Governance (MESGO) as well as the Erasmus Mundus Master in Sport Ethics and Integrity (MAiSI).

About the sport institute

The Institute of Sports Science at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz is the most traditional and largest sports science institution in Rhineland-Palatinate. Mainz is not only the scientific centre of the state, but also a city of culture, sport and a place with a lively student scene.
Whether sports medicine, sports history, sports sociology, sports education, sports psychology, sports economics or training and exercise science, whether the breadth of individual and team sports as well as other sports activities (fitness sports, windsurfing, sailing, skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking) - the range of sports, the diverse dimensions of modern sports science are closely interlinked in teaching and research at the Institute of Sports Science in Mainz.
The Mainz Institute of Sports Science has been offering Bachelor's and Master's degrees for several years and thus degrees that qualify students for professional careers and are internationally competitive.
Other Master Programs
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